I have small children who wiggle and make noise. Is that a problem?

No. We welcome children in our church and note that they best learn about God by watching their parents worshipping Him. Each Sunday we have a special teaching time for them up front to engage them with the bible and singing.
We also have a cry room that is soundproof...if you feel the need to use it.

Is there a dress code or anything?

The Bible stresses the importance of worshipping God with all of our heart, mind, body, and strength. What we wear on the outside is a personal preference. Most people dress smart casual, and weather appropriate.

Do you have a denominational affiliation?

We are a member church of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria, and local Presbytery of Geelong. These two bodies oversee the rules and guidelines that maintain and defend our faith and practice.

Are there any summaries of your beliefs I can look at?

Yes, a brief summary here...
Our Subordinate Standard, The Westminister Confession of Faith can be downloaded here.

What activities and ministries are there at BPC?

For Families: We have community events at Christmas and Easter, Bonfires, Church Camp, Picnics and other outings.
For Young People: We have BAM (Bible, Activities & Meals) meeting Fridays, fortnightly during school terms.
For Young Children: We have Mainly Music meeting on Tuesdays each week during school terms. Designed for mums and small children for fellowship, singing and happiness.
For Adults: Various weekly Bible Studies during school terms, as well as focused teaching modules, training events, volunteer work, mission opportunities, get togethers, etc.

Are my children safe here?

The Bannockburn Presbyterian Church has a robust program for the safey and care of vulnerable people in our congregation. You can read more information here.

Are my personal details and those of my family protected?

Yes, we have a full statement here.

How are Church finances handled?

The Bannockburn Presbyterian Church receives contributions from its membership and supporters for its work and ministries in the community. These monies are collected and accounted for by an elected body from our membership who pay the bills and salaries, and disperse ministry funding. They are accountable to the Elders of the Church, and make regular reports to the congregation, with a presentation of annual spending and budgets at our Annual General Meeting which features an audit of our books by an outside professional source.
Anyone can ask to see copies of financial statements and auditor's reports upon asking.